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What We Do

The aim of the Consortium Med3 is to project, produce, deliver, manage and market the CME e-learning courses based on the resources and the skills of each member in the Consortium.

e-learningEvery  training program  is based on the Formation needs expressed by Members, through their Education Departments, and by Regional and National Health Institutions.

The courses are based on the scientific work of national and international level experts.

The most appropriate teaching methodologies and techniques are identified for each course by a staff of teaching and communication experts.

The Scientific Committee is the scientific referee of each course and have the task to monitor either the completeness and updating of content, or the absence of conflict of interest. The absence of conflict of interest therefore must characterize all courses.

 Up to date multimedia, hypertexts, collaborative learning tools are supported by high level ICT with the aim to facilitate the lifelong learning of the healthcare professionals.

Med3 also guarantees an efficient and fast technical web based support to solve as soon as possible every technical problem.